BREWMASTER breweries
Brewmaster is very simple beer production system that includes the brewhouse wort machine, the beer fermentation equipment and accessories. Capacity 10L up to 10HL per day.
LITE-ME breweries
Small brewery system for restaurants with simplified brewhouse wort machine designed to production beer only from malt concentrate, not from malt. Capacity from 3HL to 30HL per day.
CLASSIC breweries
Microbreweries for restaurants based on luxury brewhouse wort machine with traditional Czech design - stailess steel core and copper covers. Beer production capacity from 3HL up to 40HL per day.
LITE-ECO breweries
Small breweries with simplified brewhouse wort machine allow the production of beer only from malt concentrates, not from malt. Low purchase cost and high production capacity from 3HL up to 10HL of beer per day.
CLASSIC-ECO breweries
Small compact breweries with simplified brewhouse wort machine allow the production of beer from traditional ingrediences. Low purchase cost and high production capacity from 3HL up to 10HL of beer per day.
COMPACT breweries
Professional industrial brewery system consists of three-vessel brewhouse machine and conical fermentors with all beer production equipment and accessories. Beer production capacity from 10HL up to 100HL of per day.
OPPIDUM breweries
Powerful industrial brewery system consists of the special brewhouse machine with six functional tanks and conical fermentors with all beer production equipment and accessories. Beer production capacity from 40HL up to 300HL of per day.
MODULO breweries
Modular brewery system allows easy installation and start up without our specialists. Basic brewing set with production capacity from 3HL up to 10HL is expandable using orderable modular units with beer fermentors.
Malt processing system
Equipment that is needed to preparation of malt grains before start production of wort. This category includes malt grain squeezing machines, malt conveyors, silos, hoppers, scales and other devices for storage, transport, and handling with malt.
Brewhouse machines - the wort brew machines
Brewhouse machine - the wort brew machine is a main equipment of the brewery that conists of tank for mixing and boiling malt in water, tank for mashing of malt solution, tank for filtering of wort, tank for boiling of wort with hops, whirlpool tank for separation of hops.
Wort cooling - aeration
Compact systems for cooling and aeration wort before start the beer fermentation. The wort produced in the brewhouse is necessary to be cooled down on the fermentation temperature and to be aerated to ensure a quick start of the beer fermentation process.
Heating the wort and water
Systems for quick heating of the brewhouse and water. This category includes hot steam generators, modular wort and water heating systems, a water treatment devices.
Wort filtration
Stainless steel pipeline mechanical filters for beer wort filtration after the brewing phase, before its filling into fermenters.
Water management system
Water management system includes devices to preparation of hot and cold water needed for the brewing process. The water treatment equipment, hot water tank, iced treated water tank, cooling and heating equipment and their control system.
Primary fermentation tanks
Tanks for the primary fermentation of beer. Open fermentation vats, cylindrically-conical fermenters, cylindrical fermenters, insulated and non-insulated fermentation tanks.
Secondary fermentation tanks
Tanks for the secondary fermentation of beer - the beer maturation process under pressure. Cylindrical beer maturation tanks, cylindrically-conical fermentors, insulated and non-insulated fermenters.
Complete fermentation sets
Fully equipped sets for the fermentation and maturation of beer under pressure that are equipped with classical cylindrical-conical tanks and all equipment for controlled cooling of the tanks.
Compact beer fermentation units
Compact beer fermentation units include one or more pieces of cylindrically-conical fermentors, cooler, control panel, and other equipment that is needed to controlled fermentation and maturation of beer.
Yeast processing equipment
Equipment to safety storage, revitalization, collecting and dosage of the brewer´s yeast. Yeast storage and regeneration tanks, yeast propagation stations. Bottles for storage yeast.
Tanks to final beer conditioning
Special pressure tanks for the conditioning of beer. Pressure beer tanks are used for the carbonization of beer, extraction of hops, filtration of beer and for filling beer into bottles, kegs or cans.
Hops extraction into beer
Equipment for extraction of aromatic active substances from hops into cold beer ( DRY HOPPING / COLD HOPPING) – an infusion of hop extracts to finalized cold beer after finalizing the beer fermentation process.
Beer carbonization
Equipment for carbonization of beer in the pressure beer conditioning tanks or in the pipes under pressure using an external carbondioxide pressure cylinders.
Beer filtration equipment
Equipment for the beer filtration – plate filters, diatomaceous earth filters, microfilters. Mechanical reduction of yeast in beer to increase the resistance and life extension of beer.
Beer pasteurization equipment
Equipment for pasteurisation of beer. The pasteuriser is an integral part of the beer production process. Thermal reduction of yeast in beer to increase the resistance and life extension of beer.
Filling beer into stainless steel kegs
Equipment for the filling beer into stainless steel barrels - kegs. Rinsing, chemical cleaning, sanitizing of kegs and the isobaric filling of the beer kegs with beer.
Filling beer into plastic barrels
Equipment and machines intended to the isobaric filling of beer into plastic barrels - Petainers, Polykegs etc.
Filling beer into aluminium cans
Equipment and machines intended for the manual filling, semi-automatic and fully-automatical isobaric filling of beer into aluminium cans, closing of the cans.
Filling beer into glass bottles
Equipment for the manual filling of beer into glass bottles and machines for the automatic rinsing, chemical cleaning, capping and labelling of glass bottles and the isobaric filling of bottles with beer.
Filling beer into plastic bottles
Equipment and machines intended to the isobaric filling of beer into plastic bottles - PET bottles.
Bottle capping machines and equipment
Machines and manual devices intended to capping the glass bottles with steel crown caps.
Bottle rinsing-sterilizing-drying machines and equipment
Machines and equipment intended to rinsing, sterilizing and drying the glass bottles.
Bottle labelling and print-on machines
Machines designed to applyling self-adhesive labels on the bottles and cans. Equipment for the print of date and batch number of the bottle labels.
Cooling systems
The cooling systems include equipment for cooling of tanks, wort, beer pipes and other components to storage, fermentation, distribution of beer or wort.
Measuring & Control systems
Systems intended to the manual or automatic control of the temperatures in the tanks and control of other equipment in breweries.
Cleaning & sanitizing systems
Static and mobile CIP Clean-In-Place stations to cleaning, sanitizing, sterilization of the tanks, pipes, brewhouses and other brewery equipment.
Beer dispenzing equipment
Equipment for storage beer, dispenzing beer into glasses, cooling and transport beer before its serving in brewery restaurants, hotels or pubs.
Compressed air system
Equipment for cleaning, drying, compressing and distribution of sterile compressed air to pneumatic valves, actuators and aeration of wort.
Nitrogen system
Equipment for production of sterile nitrogen from compressed air to pressurizing of tanks during filtration, dispenzing or transport beer.
Pumps for transport beer, water, sanitizing solutions, wort, for the extraction hops in beer and other purposes in breweries.
Accessories for breweries
Equipment to ensure functionality of all connections, pipe routes, electric wires, measuring and control of temperatures. Connection fittings and other expanding armatures for all beer production tanks, hoses, pipes, pumps, basic frames and other accessories and parts of the brewery system.